Тестовий контроль знань – VISITING A CONCERT (TEST 12)

— Hello, Jane!
— Hello, Tina. Why are you looking so tired this evening?
— Oh, I went to the disco last night. I w’anted to see a new DJ.
— Which one?
— At the City Hall.
— Which group did you see?
— It was a new band. The drummer and the guitarist played greatly. There were beautiful dancers too.
— What about the songs?
— Well, the songs were perfect. And there was a violin solo!

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Listen to the text (p. 75, TEST 12) and do the exercises to it. Mark the pictures in the order you’ve heard them. Task (A) is an example, Прослухайте текст. Позначте малюнки в такій послідовності, у якій ви почули відповідні слова в тексті. Завдання (А) — зразок.
тестовий контроль знань
(A) – 2

Level 2
2. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. Task (0) is an example.
Запишіть слова, подані в дужках, у правильній формі. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. If he (to come) late, we (to miss) the concert.
If he comes late, wе’ll miss the concert. ________________________
1. If you (say), I (scream).
2. I (to miss) you if you (to go) to Wales.
3. As soon as I (to arrive), I (to phone) you.

Level 3
3. Complete the sentences using i f or when. Task (0) is an example.
Розкрийте дужки й запишіть речення, використовуючи if або when. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. (I may watch the concert tonight). If I watch the concert, I’ll record it.
1. (I will get home early).___________________________ I’ll call you.
2. (I will listen to the CD). ________________________________ I’ll give it to you.
3. (The concert finishes at nine). ________________________________ I’ll go home immediately.

Level 4
4. Write an e-mail to your friend (3-5 sentences).
До тесту внутрішнього контролю напишіть електронного листа закордонному товаришеві (3-5 речень).
Ask him or her about a concert he (or she) has visited: ticket price, a show (exciting, disappointing), visual and sound effects, the stage design etc.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. Listen to the text (p. 75, TEST 12). Mark the pictures in the order you’ve heard them. Task (A) is an example.
Прослухайте текст. Позначте малюнки в такій послідовності, у якій ви почули відповідні слова в тексті. Завдання (А) — зразок.
англійська мова тест контроль
(A) – 4

Level 2
2. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Task (0) is an example.
Запишіть слова, подані в дужках, у правильній формі. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. If you (to join) a fan club, you (to know) more about you favourite singer.
If you join a fan club, you’ll know more about your favourite singer.
1. I (to bring) the disk as soon as it (to be) ready.
2. Ann (to be) sorry if Helen (not/to come).
3. I (to wait) till you (to finish) this report.

Level 3
3. Complete the sentences using i f or when. Task (0) is an example.
Розкрийте дужки та запишіть речення, використовуючи if або when. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. (James is coming soon). When James соmes, tell me, please.
1. (The concert will finish soon).____________________________________we all have to return home.
2. (I might feel better tomorrow).___________________________________I will go to the show.
3. (The recorder may not work).______________________________ we’ll bring you the newer one.

Level 4
4. Write an e-mail to your friend (3-5 sentences).
Напишіть електронного листа закордонному товаришеві (3-5 речень).
Tell him or her about the concert you’ve visited, a concert you recommend your friend to visit and why.
Use the words: b rillia n t, fantastics special effects, the great pleasure.

Всі завдання для тематичного оцінювання

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