Тестовий контроль знань – WRITING. THE FIRST TERM (TEST 10)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Match the word with the preposition. Task (0) is an example.

0. to listen A) to
1. to be interested B) of
2. to be fond C) in
3. to be famous D) for
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Make up sentences. Task (0) is an example.

0. An / a / hour / 15 / advertisements / of / minutes / program / has / of
An hour of a program has 15 minutes of advertisements.________________________
1. The / often / very / a / producer / show / creates / TV / quickly
2. Today / flora / our / planet / of / science / and / fauna / studies / and
3. Climate / have / animals / changed / plants / and / greatly

Level 3
3. Read the text below. For questions (А, В, C or D) choose the correct answer (1-3). There is one extra question.

0. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, FBC, also known simpLy as Fox, became the fourth major commercial television network in the United States.
1. Fox Broadcasting Company (FBC), American television network, with headquarters in Los Angeles, California, owned by News Corporation Limited, a large telecommunications company, is a large telecommunications company run by media magnate Rupert Murdoch. Читати далі



Television Program

Television programs are watched by millions of people worldwide. Particular television programs can influence even policy of a nation. Television is absolutely everywhere in our society today that it is hard to imagine a time when it did not exist.
Television has been bought since the late 1930s and has become more and more common ever since. The 1970s saw another evolution in TV as recording systems were designed so that people could watch recordings as well as broadcasts. There are many different types of programs with new genres.
Common TV programs include news broadcasts and TV series in drama and comedy, documentaries about various subjects. There are many other genres of programs as well including game shows, music programs and reality television.
Television has an extremely large influence on cultures all over the world. The TV networks and the programs that are shown will continue to have great effect on global culture both in the near future and for long time to come.
As online computer systems become more popular, television and computers are increasingly integrated. Such technologies combine the capabilities of personal computers, television, DVD players, and in some cases telephones, and greatly expand the kinds of services that can be provided. For example, computer-like hard drives in set-top recorders automatically store a TV program as it is being received so that the consumer can pause live TV, replay a scene, or skip ahead. For programs that consumers want to record for future viewing, a hard drive makes it possible to store a number of shows.

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Put a tick (v) against each a word you hear. Task (0) is an example.

0. A) television B) radio C) vision D) division
1. A) theatre B) programs C) book D) cinema
2. A) science fiction B) concert C) interview D) news
3. A) global B) globally C) general D) important
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Match the parts of the word combinations. Task (0) is an example.

0. music A) broadcast
1. recording B) show
2. news C) system
3. game D) program
(0) – D
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Тест контроль відповіді – TELEVISION (TEST 5)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Choose the correct variant o f the word. Task (0) is an example.

0. Television and TV celebrities are absolutely everywhere in society today.
A) everywhere B) everything C) everyone D) everybody
1. There are many different types of TV ____________ with new genres.
A) programmers B) lists C) numbers D) programs
2. A lot of programs genres include: game _______________, music programs and reality television.
A) news B) shows C) dramas D) documentaries
3. ____________________ programs are watched by millions of people worldwide.
A) Televisions B) TVs C) Watching D) Television
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Define which words refer to a thematic group. Task (0) is an example.

0. state, commercial, cable A) Channels
1. serials, soap operas, episodes B) Programs for children
2. television programs, advertising, TV channels C) Television series Читати далі

Тематичне оцінювання – MY FAMILY AND MY FRIENDS (TEST 1)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Define which word has a different meaning. Task (0) is an example.

0. A) wealthy B) healthy C) good D) tired
1. A) elderly B) sociable C) outgoing D) small
2. A) interesting B) agricultural C) exciting D) boring
3. A) pretty B) horrible C) awful D) disgusting
(0) – D

Level 2
2. Complete the sentences. Match the sentence with the correct modal verb. There is one extra modal verb. Task (0) is an example.

0. I can wait for you here.
1. Your computer________ . upgrading.
2. The teacher asked about cheating. He _____ be very angry.
3. She looks happy. She___________have passed the test.

A) needs
B) might
C) must
D) can
E) could
(0) – D
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Англійська мова тест контроль 8 клас – SCHOOLS ABROAD (TEST 20)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Find the correspondent adverbial modifier of time in the direct and reported speech. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між обставиною часу в прямій та непрямій мові. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. now
A) when B) then C) now D) than
1. here
A) here B) there C) that D) yesterday
2. yesterday
A) then B) the day before C) that day D) the next day
3. last week
A) that week B) this week C) the week before D) the next week
(0) – B

Level 2
2. Match the words with the parts of speech. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та частиною мови. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. national A) a noun
1. school В) an adjective
2. to learn C) an adverb
3. quickly D) a verb
(0) – B
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Тестовий контроль знань англійська мова – SCHOOLS IN UKRAINE (TEST 19)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Which tense form is used in sentences? Task (0) is an example.
Виберіть часову форму, яку вжито в реченнях. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. I have got good marks in English. 2. What have you learned today?
A) the Past Simple Active; A) the Past Simple Active;
B) the Present Perfect Active; B) the Present Perfect Active;
C) the Present Simple Active; C) the Present Simple Active;
D) the Present Perfect Passive. D) the Present Perfect Passive.
1. I have “excellent” in all the languages. 3. What school did you study at?
A) the Past Simple Active; A) the Past Simple Active;
B) the Present Perfect Active; B) the Present Perfect Active;
C) the Present Simple Active; C) the Present Simple Active;
D) the Present Perfect Passive. D) the Present Perfect Passive.
(0) – B

Level 2
2. Find a correspondent sentence with the reported speech. There is one extra sentence with the direct speech. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між реченням з непрямою і відповідним реченням з прямою мовою. Речень з прямою мовою наведено на одне більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. He said she could be at school.
1. He said she would be at school.
2. He said she was at school.
3. He said she had been at school.

A) Не says, “She will be at school”.
B) He says, “She can be at school”.
C) He says, “She is at school”.
D) He says, “She was at school”.
E) He will say, “She was at school” .
(0) – B
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Англійська мова тест контроль – GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF GREAT BRITAIN (TEST 14)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Match the words with their meaning. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між поняттям та його назвою. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. England A) Cardiff
1. Scotland В) London
2. Wales С) Edinburgh
3. Northern Ireland D) Belfast
(0) – B

Level 2
2. Match antonyms. There is one extra wrord. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його антонімом. Слів наведено на одне більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. mountainous A) cloudy
1. warm В) flat
2. sunny С) heat
3. frost D) cold
E) ice
(0) – B
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Тестовий контроль знань – VISITING A CONCERT (TEST 12)

— Hello, Jane!
— Hello, Tina. Why are you looking so tired this evening?
— Oh, I went to the disco last night. I w’anted to see a new DJ.
— Which one?
— At the City Hall.
— Which group did you see?
— It was a new band. The drummer and the guitarist played greatly. There were beautiful dancers too.
— What about the songs?
— Well, the songs were perfect. And there was a violin solo!

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Listen to the text (p. 75, TEST 12) and do the exercises to it. Mark the pictures in the order you’ve heard them. Task (A) is an example, Прослухайте текст. Позначте малюнки в такій послідовності, у якій ви почули відповідні слова в тексті. Завдання (А) — зразок.
тестовий контроль знань
(A) – 2

Level 2
2. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. Task (0) is an example.
Запишіть слова, подані в дужках, у правильній формі. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. If he (to come) late, we (to miss) the concert.
If he comes late, wе’ll miss the concert. ________________________
1. If you (say), I (scream).
2. I (to miss) you if you (to go) to Wales.
3. As soon as I (to arrive), I (to phone) you.
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Variant 1

Level 1
1. Match a definition w ith a name o f a newspaper column. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між визначенням та назвою газетної рубрики. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. a competition or a game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge
1. something that people watch on television
2. a description of what is going to happen to somebody in the future, based on the position of the stars and the planets when the person was born
3. a notice, picture or film telling people about a job

A) a horoscope
B) a quiz
C) a TV programme
D) an advertisement for job
(0) – B

Level 2
2. Match a title with a fragment o f the text. There is one extra heading. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між фрагментом тексту та його заголовком. Заголовків наведено на один більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. The first American newspaper was called Public Occurrences both Foreign and Domestic. It was first published in Boston in 1690. The first regularly published newspaper in the American Colonies, the Boston News-Letter, was published in 1704. Читати далі

Тести контролю знань 8 клас – CHOOSING BOOKS FOR READING (TEST 3)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Write Т (true) i f the statement is true or F (false) i f it is not. Task (0) is an example.
Позначте твердження T, якщо воно є правильним, та F, якщо ні. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. School libraries allow users to borrow books for limited amounts of time.
1. Readers receive library cards, wrhieh they must present at the circulation desk
2. After registering users receives books or magazines.
3. Online catalogues were first introduce in libraries in the early 1980s.
(0) – T

Level 2
2. Match a word with its definition. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його правильним тлумаченням. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. borrowing
A) taking something for a short period of time
B) process of agreeing
C) paying money back
D) giving something for a short period of time
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Тематичне оцінювання з англійської 8 кл – ENTERTAINMENT (TEST 2)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Define what part o f speech the word is. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та частиною мови. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. stressful
A) a verb B) an adjective C) an adverb D) a noun
1. a suntan
A) a verb B) an adjective C) an adverb D) a noun
2. to afford
A) a verb B) an adjective C) an adverb D) a noun
3. fit
A) a verb B) an adjective C) an adverb D) a noun

(0) – B

Level 2
Match the replies o f the conversation. There is one extra reply. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між репліками діалогу. Реплік наведено на одну більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. Can you help me? A) I want to learn new grammar rules.
1. What are you reading? B) I’m playing tennis at the moment.
2. Why are you reading a book? C) Thank you very much!
3. Well, I wish you good luck! D) I m reading a textbook.
E) No, I can’t. I’m very busy now.
(0) – E
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Проконтролюй англійську

Іноземна мова – чи не найважливіший предмет у школі. Тому й часу на підготовку до неї потрібно виділити якомога більше. Тим паче це стосується тих дев’ятикласників, які вирішили закінчити школу та продовжити навчання в ліцеях та коледжах. Тест-контроль англійська мова відповіді 9 клас стане у нагоді учням, які бажають скласти підсумкові випробування на «відмінно».

Тест-контроль англійська мова відповіді 9 клас мають наступну структуру. Спочатку учням пропонується пройти лексико-граматичний тест, який складається із 30 запитань, до кожного із яких по 4 варіанти можливих відповідей, серед яких учень має обрати лише одну правильну. Читати далі