Тести контролю знань 8 клас – CHOOSING BOOKS FOR READING (TEST 3)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Write Т (true) i f the statement is true or F (false) i f it is not. Task (0) is an example.
Позначте твердження T, якщо воно є правильним, та F, якщо ні. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. School libraries allow users to borrow books for limited amounts of time.
1. Readers receive library cards, wrhieh they must present at the circulation desk
2. After registering users receives books or magazines.
3. Online catalogues were first introduce in libraries in the early 1980s.
(0) – T

Level 2
2. Match a word with its definition. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його правильним тлумаченням. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. borrowing
A) taking something for a short period of time
B) process of agreeing
C) paying money back
D) giving something for a short period of time

1. a catalogue
A) a small number of things C) a lot of things
B) a complete list of things D) a special thing

2. an imagination
A) the ability to make pictures, books, movies
B) the ability to write new ideas
C) the ability to write poems
D) the ability to make pictures in your mind

3. a title
A) the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music
B) the name of a page
C) the front of a book
D) the author’s name
(0) – A

Level 3
3. Here are the answers to some questions. Write special questions. Task (0) is an example.
Це — відповіді на запитання. Напишіть спеціальні запитання до них. Завдання (0) англійська мова тест котроль — зразок.
0. Our library is situated on the first floor.
Where is our library situated?_____________________________
1. There is a good library at my school.
2. There are encyclopedias and dictionaries in the library reference section.
3. The periodical section has various magazines.

Level 4
4. Write an sms asking your friend to b ring a book for you (3-5 sentences).
Напишіть коротке повідомлення, попросіть товариша принести вам книжку (3-5 речень).
Write about: the date, a book you need (a title and an author), what you need it for.
Use these words: a novel, a detective, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, for reading, for pleasure.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. Write Т (true) if the statement is true or F (false) if it is not. Task (0) is an example.
Позначте твердження T, якщо воно є правильним, та F, якщо ні. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. То borrow library materials, a user have to register her or his name, address, and other basic information.
1. Some libraries have self-checkout machines that automatically record the user’s name.
2. All libraries allows users to borrow most materials for two to four weeks.
3. Online catalogues providing broader access to a library’s collection by allowing more complex searching of the catalogue.
(0) – F
Level 2
2. Match a word with its definition. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його правильним тлумаченням. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. a novel
A) a poem
B) a story usually divided into acts
C) a fictional work with a long plot, usually divided into chapters
D) something new

1. to consult
A) to say information, to tell everything
B) to ask somebody for written information
C) to look in or at something to get information
D) to find information in a newspaper

2. a genre
A) a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music
B) a particular type of clothes
C) a special style of a century
D) a special art of a country

3. fiction
A) a type of literature that describes real people or events
B) a type of literature that describes people or events, real ones
C) a film that describes imaginary people or events, not real ones
D) a type of literature that describes imaginary people or events, not real ones
(0) – C

Level 3
3. Here are the answers to some questions. Write special questions. Task (0) is an example.
Це — відповіді на запитання. Напишіть спеціальні запитання до них. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. Unfortunately, my library card is at home.
Where is your library card? _______________________________
1. There are lots of books on different subjects in our library.
2. One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.
3. The library reference section is huge.

Level 4
4. Write an sms asking your friend to bring a book for you (3-5 sentences).
Напишіть коротке повідомлення, попросіть товариша принести вам книжку (3-5 речень).
Write about: time and place of your meeting (you can meet him or her), the best way to reach your place (transport), the reasons why you need it, when you can return it.
Use these words: in the evening/in the afternoon, at home, by bus/underground, for learning, for making a report.

Тематичне оцінювання онлайн

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