Variant 1

Level 1
1. Match a definition w ith a name o f a newspaper column. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між визначенням та назвою газетної рубрики. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. a competition or a game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge
1. something that people watch on television
2. a description of what is going to happen to somebody in the future, based on the position of the stars and the planets when the person was born
3. a notice, picture or film telling people about a job

A) a horoscope
B) a quiz
C) a TV programme
D) an advertisement for job
(0) – B

Level 2
2. Match a title with a fragment o f the text. There is one extra heading. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між фрагментом тексту та його заголовком. Заголовків наведено на один більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. The first American newspaper was called Public Occurrences both Foreign and Domestic. It was first published in Boston in 1690. The first regularly published newspaper in the American Colonies, the Boston News-Letter, was published in 1704.
1. As you know, the word newspaper does not depict everything that you can read in this publication. You may read about news, horoscopes, weather etc.
2. Newspapers in the USA are protected by the US Constitution, the basic law of the United States. This law guarantees that the government lets newspapers to print truthful statements.
3. There are a lot of newspapers published in the USA. About half of them are daily newspapers. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times are the most important ones.

A) Protection of the rights of newspapers.
B) Newspapers in the USA nowadays.
C) Meaning of the word “newspaper” .
D) Rules of advertising in newspapers.
E) The first American newspaper.
(0) – E

Level 3
3. Match choices (A-F) to (1-3). There are extra two words. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між пропуском у реченні (1-3) та словом або словосполученням (A-F), яке має бути на місці пропуску. Завдання (0) — зразок.
A) as soon as B) after C) before D) if E) till F) until
0. I’ll give the magazine to you as soon as I can.
1. What will you d o ___________ the newspaper is not interesting?
2. Will you subscribe to a newspaper____________the end of the week?
3. Turn the TV off _________ _ you read the magazine.
(0) – A

Level 4
4. Write a brief review (3-5 sentences).
Напишіть стислий огляд (3-5 речень).
Write about your favourite magazine. Name the title, main topics, the type of a magazine. Express
your opinion about it.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. Match a definition with a name o f a newspaper column. Task (0) is an example. Установіть відповідність між визначенням та назвою газетної рубрики. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. one of the races or competitions in a sports programme
1. new information about art, music, literature
2. a description of what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days
3. new information about something that has happened in the world recently

A) sport events
B) international news
C) art and culture
D) weather
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Match a title with a fragment o f the text. There is one extra heading. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між фрагментом тексту та його заголовком данного тест контролю. Заголовків наведено на один більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. The Internet gives millions of people opportunity to read a variety of daily newspapers online, usually free of charge. This fact has caused subscription and circulation rates to decline.
1. The percentage of Americans getting news from the Internet grew greatly during the late 1990s. In 2002, two-thirds of adult Americans were getting the news online. One fourth of all Americans get news from the Internet every day.
2. Today almost all of the world’s major newspapers have online versions. Most daily newspapers in the United States and Canada also publish on the Internet.
3. The newspaper will be an important thing in modern society. But the Internet promises to revolutionize the
newspaper industry worldwide.

A) Newspapers in future.
B) Electronic equivalents of modern newspapers.
C) Possibility of the Internet.
D) Number of people getting information from the Internet.
E) An online newspaper.
(0) – C

Level 3
3. Match choices (A-F) to (1-3). There are extra two words. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між пропуском у реченні (1-3) та словом або словосполученням (A-F), яке має бути на місці пропуску. Завдання (0) — зразок.
A) as soon as В) after С) before D) if E) till F) until
0. She’ll let us know as soon as she reads the periodical.
1. We are going to read______________________ everyone has gone.
2. Ann will be very happy_________________ she buys the magazine.
3. You have to wait__________________Sam looks through the newspaper.
(0) – A

Level 4
4. Write a brief review (3-5 sentences) about the magazine you like and the one you dislike.
Напишіть стислий огляд (3—5 речень) про журнал, який вам подобається, та інший, який не подобається.
Make notes about: the contents of a magazine, time of publication, your opinion.

8-й клас тест контроль

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