Тест контроль відповіді 8 клас – LISTENING COMPREHENSION THE SECOND TERM (TEST 22)

Music Television (MTV) is a cable television network, the first network to broadcast music videos regularly. The network was founded in 1981 with investments from such companies as Warner Communications and American Express. MTV’s combination of music videos, youthful video jockeys, commentary, promotion of special rock concerts, and news and documentaries about bands and performers established the network’s popularity with youthful viewers, and it became a leading promoter of new rock music and rock musicians. Music videos for both audio recordings and some motion picture
soundtracks are often made with the MTV viewer market in mind. MTV’s overseas offices make the network’s programming available in Europe, Asia, Central and South America, and Africa.
After MTV’s programming changed to include more heavy metal and rap music, MTV Networks launched a second network, Video Hits 1 (VH-1), in 1985. VH-1 features more popular music than MTV.
MTV Networks also owns Nickelodeon, a cable channel showing children’s and family programmes.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. For (1-3) choose Т (true) if the statement is true according to the text, F (false) if it is false, Task (0) is an example.
Прослухайте текст. Позначте речення Т? якщо воно є правильним, та F, якщо ні, Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. MTV broadcasts every day.
1. The network was founded in 1981,
2. The second network that MTV channel added was Discovery.
3. MTV is popular with video jockeys.
(0) – T

Level 2
2. Match the words with their opposites. There is one extra word. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його антонімом. Слів наведено на одне більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. to start A) unknown
1. boring B) awful
2. beautiful C) to finish
3. famous D) interesting
E) funny
(0) – C

Level 3
3. Rewrite the sentences as reported speech. Change verb tenses where possible. Task (0) is an example.
Перепишіть речення непрямою мовою. Замініть форму дієслова там, де це необхідно. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. “Keep a diary for your ideas”, Fred told me.
Fred told me to keep a diary for my ideas.___________________________
1. “It looks great on you,” said Sophie.
2. “It was my report,” a journalist said.
3. “I am writing a test now,” Sam told me.

Level 4
4. Write an answer to the question.
Напишіть відповідь на запитання.
What is the main task of an MTV cable television network?

Variant 2

Level 1
1. Listen to the text. For (1—3) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false. Task (0) is an example.
Прослухайте текст. Позначте речення Т, якщо воно є правильним, та F, якщо ні. Завдання (0) тест контролю англійська мова — зразок,
0. MTV is a cable television network.
1. MTV does not show any documentaries.
2. People can watch MTV programmes in Europe, Asia, Central and South America, and Africa.
3. Nickelodeon is a radio and cable channel showing children’s and family programmes.
(0) – T

Level 2
2. Match the words with their opposites. There is one extra word. Task (0) is an example.
Установіть відповідність між словом та його антонімом. Слів наведено на одне більше. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. ancient A) to forget
1. modern В) new
2. to memorize C) only
3. typical D) awkward
E) old
(0) – B

Level 3
3. Rewrite the sentences as rep o r ted speech. Change verb tenses where possible. Task (0) is an example.
Перепишіть речення непрямою мовою. Замініть форму дієслова там, де це необхідно. Завдання (0) — зразок.
0. «I’ll leave now,» he said.
He said he would, leave now. ______________________________
1. Tm going to listen to the programme,” she said.
2. “I can help you,” the teacher said.
3. “We will pass the test easily,” Tom said.

Level 4
4. Write an answer to the question.
Напишіть відповідь на запитання.
Which other networks does MTV include?

Тест контроль відповіді

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