Зошит для контролю знань – SCIENCE (TEST 14)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Mark the word with the corresponding stressed sound. Task (0) is an example.

0. [i]
A) system B) research C) technology D) expert
1. [e]
A) ground B) weather C) taste D) ocean
2. [ei]
A) mathematics B) education C) digital D) experiment
3. [ai]
A) ecology B) energy C) channel D) science
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Arrange the headings of the paragraphs according to the content. Task (0) is an example.

0. Scientists create ice at boiling temperatures
1. Next generation video-game character
2. Squeeze a little lime into seawater to cut carbon
3. Long live plastics

A) Using a high-powered machine that can generate temperatures hotter than the Sun, scientists have created a new form of ice that is hotter than boiling water.
B) Scientists have found a way to cut levels of C02 in the atmosphere — potentially even turning back the environmental clock to pre-industrial times.
C) A new advanced computer imaging method can take your picture and then make your video game move quickly, thanks to work out of the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science.
D) With plastics in museums decomposing, a new effort seeks to recycle materials commonly thought to be unalterable.
(0) – A

Level 3 (9 клас англійська тест контроль)
3. Which tense form is used in sentences? Task (0) is an example.

0. Discovery has been chosen twice to flight.
1. The spacecraft takes its name from ships named Discovery.
2. Public databases are created.
3. The San Francisco museum has introduced earth and space sciences.

A) The Present Perfect Passive
B) The Past Simple Active
C) The Past Simple Passive
D) The Present Simple Active
E) The Past Continuous Active
F) The Present Perfect Active
(0) – A

Level 4
4. Write about the famous inventors and businessmen using the ideas.

Name Soiciro Honda
Place of birth Japan
Hobbies motorbikes and automobile racing
Date of company foundation 1939
Invention he doubled the horsepower of the engine.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. Mark the word with the corresponding stressed sound. Task (0) is an example.

0. [ai]
A) crisis B) station C) invention D) network
1. [ei]
A) space B) understanding C) discovery D) university
2. [u:]
A) number B) public C) evolution D) journal
3. [e]
A) galaxy B) screen C) vessel D) spacecraft
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Arrange the headings of the paragraphs according to the content. Task (0) is an example.

0. Robotic surgeon receives brain-transplant to treat lung cancer
1. Using language where it counts: Amazonian tribe has no words for numbers
2. Following the ocean swirls
3. Plant-based fuel could replace fossil fuels in a car

A) Cyber Knife, a radiotherapy robot used to operate on cancer patients, has received a new brain in order to effectively treat lung cancer, Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre created a program called Synchrony — an addition to Cyber Knife — that allows for easier detection of tumours. In the past, scientists say Cyber
Knife wasn’t used for lung cancer patients because it caused too much tissue damage.
B) Farm and forest waste products could be efficiently processed into fuels on a scale that would render fossil fuels unnecessary.
C) The mathematics of dynamical systems reveals ocean dynamics, an understanding that could improve the monitoring of ocean processes.
D) If you ask a Piraha mother how many children she has, she won’t be able to tell you. There are two reasons why: because she won’t have the words to say the exact number and because she won’t have a concept of counting as we have it.
(0) – A

Level 3
3. Which tense form is used in sentences? Task (0) is an example.

0. Collection of the Exploratorium has been shown online.
1. Important issues were discussed in Global weekly — a journal of research.
2. Google Earth shows 3D overviews of major cities, mountains, and maps.
3. National Geographic Society’s magazine is telling about the wonders of nature and the world’s cultures.

A) The Present Perfect Passive
B) The Past Simple Active
C) The Past Simple Passive
D) The Present Simple Active
E) The Past Continuous Active
F) The Present Perfect Active
(0) – A

Level 4
4. Write about the famous inventors and businessmen using the ideas.

Name Bill Gates
Date and place of birth the USA, 1955
Date of company foundation Microsoft, 1975
Invention working out software, developing programming language
Other activities philanthropy

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