A job interview

A week ago Ann had job interview, it had lot of stressful and negative questions. First, the interviewer asked why she could not work in difficult situations. Before she could answer, he asked who had written her application for her. Ann was shocked. She understood that the company conducts stress interview to see how candidate for job can cope with pressure. It will be necessary in any difficult situation that may happen, for example, in nuclear power plant. But in many countries people can’t ask you such questions if they are not connected with your future work. And, of course,
you can refuse to answer. And even if your interviewer asks how old you are, you can refuse to answer too. In this age of increasingly short-term job cycles, networking is an essential skill for managing your career. Many people think that networking is simply a euphemism for asking for a job — nothing could be further from the truth. If you are truly networking, you are building resources, acquiring information, and offering assistance to others all at the same time. Unfortunately, networking is not an instinctive skill.

Variant 1

Level 1
1. For (1-3) choose Т if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false. Task (0) is an example.

0. Ann had an interview a few weeks ago.
1. The interviewer asked who had written her application.
2. Ann enjoyed the interview.
3. Dangerous situations can happen, for example, in a nuclear power plant.
(0) – F

Level 2
2. Match the words with their opposites. There is one extra word. Task (0) is an example.

0. to begin A) to leave
1. to come B) to answer
2. to ask C) to rest
3. to work D) to think
E) to end
(0) – E

Level 3
3. Choose the correct modal verb. Task (0) is an example.

0. I can speak English well.
A) can B) must C) may D) have to
1. When I was 5 ,1 swim very well.
A) am allowed B) may C) am able D) could
2, Where you like to wrork?
A) should B) can C) would D) could
3. I call you next Sunday?
A) allowed B) could C) may D) have
(0) – A

Level 4 тестовий контроль знань
4. Write the answer to the question (5-7 sentences).

What can’t an interviewer ask in a job interview? Write your own ideas.

Variant 2

Level 1
1. For (1-3) choose Т if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false. Task (0) is an example.

0. Questions in the interview were very friendly.
1. Rules of a job interview are not the same in different countries.
2. The interviewer wanted to know how Ann could work in difficult situations.
3. You are not allowed to say how old you are in the interview.
(0) – F

Level 2
2. Match the words to their opposites. There is one extra word. Task (0) is an example

0. to start A) to answer
1. to allow B) to permit
2. to refuse C) to prohibit
3. to question D) to assent
E) to finish
(0) – E

Level 3
3. Choose the correct modal verb. Task (0) is an example.

0. could my sister come to school with me tomorrow?
A) could B) would C) should D) might
1. She do computer graphics.
A) is allowed B) can C) is able D) has
2. __________________I borrow the pen?
A) have B) allowed C) able D) could
3. I _____________________make new friends here.
A) not allowed B) could not C) not able D) have not
(0) – A

Level 4
4. Write an answer to the question (5-7 sentences).

What can an interviewer ask in a job interview? Write your own ideas.

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