Контроль та оцінювання знань учнів – WRITING THE SECOND TERM (TEST 23)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Choose the answer to the question. Task (0) is an example.

0. Is he playing now? A) Yes, he had.
1. Was he asked to answer? B) Yes, he was.
2. Had he come home before 5 o’clock? C) Yes, he did.
3. Did he watch TV yesterday? P) Yes, he is.
(0) – D

Level 2
2. Match articles to the words. Task (0) is an example.

0. London A) a
1. USA B) the
2. accountant C) an
3. city D) — (no article)
(0) – D
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9-й клас тест контроль онлайн – MY FUTURE PROFESSION (TEST 20)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Match parts of the wrord combinations. Task (0) is an example.

0. office A) worker
1. foreign B) accountant
2. bank C) guide
3. tourists D) diplomat
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Match the parts of a sentence. Task (0) is an example.

0. All professions involve * A) professional associations.
1. Sometimes well-qualified women B) characteristics of a profession.
2. Professions usually have C) rarely get the same pay as men.
3. I’d like to know about D) technical, specialized and highly skilled work.
(0) – D

Level 3
3. Read the text below. Choose from (A-F) the one which best fits each of (1-3). There are two choices you do not need to use. Task (0) is an example.
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Тест контроль відповіді English 9 – BRITISH CITIES (TEST 16)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Write the names of the British cities. Task (0) is an example.

0. wglasog — Glasgo _______________
1. onndlo — ________________________
2. frcadif — _______________________
3. elbafts — _______________________

Level 2
2. Match the question and the answer. Task (0) is an example.

0. When was Chester built? A) 2000 years ago
1. What is Dartmouth famous for among sailors? B) Liverpool
2. What is the capital city of Scotland? C) It was a centre of piracy
3. What city is called a European Capital of Culture? D) Edinburgh
(0) – A
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Television Program

Television programs are watched by millions of people worldwide. Particular television programs can influence even policy of a nation. Television is absolutely everywhere in our society today that it is hard to imagine a time when it did not exist.
Television has been bought since the late 1930s and has become more and more common ever since. The 1970s saw another evolution in TV as recording systems were designed so that people could watch recordings as well as broadcasts. There are many different types of programs with new genres.
Common TV programs include news broadcasts and TV series in drama and comedy, documentaries about various subjects. There are many other genres of programs as well including game shows, music programs and reality television.
Television has an extremely large influence on cultures all over the world. The TV networks and the programs that are shown will continue to have great effect on global culture both in the near future and for long time to come.
As online computer systems become more popular, television and computers are increasingly integrated. Such technologies combine the capabilities of personal computers, television, DVD players, and in some cases telephones, and greatly expand the kinds of services that can be provided. For example, computer-like hard drives in set-top recorders automatically store a TV program as it is being received so that the consumer can pause live TV, replay a scene, or skip ahead. For programs that consumers want to record for future viewing, a hard drive makes it possible to store a number of shows.

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Put a tick (v) against each a word you hear. Task (0) is an example.

0. A) television B) radio C) vision D) division
1. A) theatre B) programs C) book D) cinema
2. A) science fiction B) concert C) interview D) news
3. A) global B) globally C) general D) important
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Match the parts of the word combinations. Task (0) is an example.

0. music A) broadcast
1. recording B) show
2. news C) system
3. game D) program
(0) – D
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Тест контроль відповіді – TELEVISION (TEST 5)

Variant 1

Level 1
1. Choose the correct variant o f the word. Task (0) is an example.

0. Television and TV celebrities are absolutely everywhere in society today.
A) everywhere B) everything C) everyone D) everybody
1. There are many different types of TV ____________ with new genres.
A) programmers B) lists C) numbers D) programs
2. A lot of programs genres include: game _______________, music programs and reality television.
A) news B) shows C) dramas D) documentaries
3. ____________________ programs are watched by millions of people worldwide.
A) Televisions B) TVs C) Watching D) Television
(0) – A

Level 2
2. Define which words refer to a thematic group. Task (0) is an example.

0. state, commercial, cable A) Channels
1. serials, soap operas, episodes B) Programs for children
2. television programs, advertising, TV channels C) Television series Читати далі

Тест-контрольний робочий зошит

Підготовка до уроку – це особиста справа кожного. Хтось виконує домашнє завдання декілька годин, а кому й 15 хвилин вистачає. Багато дев’ятикласників під час підготовки використовують відповідний тест-контроль відповіді 9 клас. Скептики відразу ж можуть заявити, що проходити тестування із наявністю відповідей – це нонсенс. Але все більше і більше школярів використовують тест-контроль відповіді 9 клас, відмічаючи його переваги, однією із яких є всі самостійні та контрольні роботи у форматі тестування.
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Проконтролюй англійську

Іноземна мова – чи не найважливіший предмет у школі. Тому й часу на підготовку до неї потрібно виділити якомога більше. Тим паче це стосується тих дев’ятикласників, які вирішили закінчити школу та продовжити навчання в ліцеях та коледжах. Тест-контроль англійська мова відповіді 9 клас стане у нагоді учням, які бажають скласти підсумкові випробування на «відмінно».

Тест-контроль англійська мова відповіді 9 клас мають наступну структуру. Спочатку учням пропонується пройти лексико-граматичний тест, який складається із 30 запитань, до кожного із яких по 4 варіанти можливих відповідей, серед яких учень має обрати лише одну правильну. Читати далі